Professional Experience

As a senior front-end engineer at Tencent and Baidu , I've delivered engineering solutions to both internal and external engineers to maximize quality and Efficiency of development.

Current Phase: Spearheading Team's Technical Architecture and Toolchain

maximize quality & Efficiency of development, Dec. 2021 ~ Now

Monorepo & Micro Front-End Architecture: Integrated multiple SPAs into one Tencent's Cloud system, facilitating seamless collaboration across diverse domains and teams.

Engineering Efficiency:
Developed an APImock platform supporting both GraphQL and RESTful for Tencent's CSIG in a full-stack role.
Primary responsible for team's CI/CD pipeline, facilitating multi-environment deployment and PR-level E2E validation. conducted multiple sharing on Kubernetes, Pulumi, and Helm.


  • Transformed multiple SPAs into a micro-frontend architecture within a monorepo structure, enhancing cross-domain collaboration and significantly reducing code duplication. This approach notably decreased bundle size and supported hybrid language development, which greatly improved performance, especially in live streaming scenarios.
  • APImock platform reduced the manpower needed for debugging single API from 2-3 people to 1 person

Phase II: Addressing Business System Challenges

Leading project to address business challenges and solve system issues, Jun. 2020 ~ Sep. 2021

Performance Monitoring and Optimization: Implement a complete performance monitoring system, including performance monitoring, error monitoring, and risk monitoring for Tencent Cloud Products(serving tens of millions of users).


  • Designed a cross-platform SDK that supports batch event reporting in weak network and offline environments, Used JavaScript for data collection and Node.js, Koa, Kafka, Flink, Elasticsearch, and Clickhouse for data reporting, calculation, and storage.
  • Solved performance issues such as slow start and poor runtime performance of business, resulting in almost 65% reduction in first screen loading time. Also reduced page memory consumption by 90% in extreme conditions. see more details here.

Phase I: Business Requirement Implementation

Concentrated on individual tasks, completing them with high quality and innovation, Jun. 2017 ~ Mar. 2020

Baidu Mini-App framework: Leading technical innovations, obtained 2 technical patents in Baidu.
including an high-performance web animations solution with zero development costs and high compatibility proven by billions of page views(PV).
Design and develop the same-layer rendering solution that allows native and HTML5 components to overlap and interact with each other.


  • Dramatically cut the cost of implementing complex animations to zero and shrunk animation resource sizes by 90% compared to PNG sequences. supporting large-scale events for Baidu APP products, influencing billions of page views.
  • Enabled 300k mini-program developers to seamlessly integrate native and web components, greatly enhancing usability and developer experience.